Baseball Analytics Research Opportunity

2024-2025 Academic Year


August 8, 2024

Daniel J. Eck from the Department of Statistics and David Dalpiaz from the Siebel School of Computing and Data Science at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, in collaboration with the Chicago Cubs, are seeking applications for up to two joint research positions in baseball analytics for the Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 semesters. These positions will involve an extensive research project featuring interdisciplinary collaboration between Daniel J. Eck, David Dalpiaz, and employees of the Chicago Cubs baseball organization.

We are looking for one candidate to be a Statistics major with an extensive background in machine learning and data science. Prior R package development experience is a plus. We are looking for one candidate to be a Computer Science major with a background in software engineering. Both students should possess strong communication skills and are expected to work together and learn from each other. Both students should possess experience with version control through Git/GitHub and data wrangling in R or another comparable language. Experience with tidyverse or datatable is preferable. The ideal candidate has at least junior standing and a very strong interest in baseball.

The ideal Statistics candidate has taken STAT 385 and STAT 432. The ideal Computer Science candidate has taken CS 225 and CS 361.

The selected applicant(s) will receive up to 2 credit hours of independent study for both semesters. Specific details pending.

Your application should include a resume/CV, an unofficial transcript, and a brief cover letter indicating your interest in the position. Your cover letter should communicate your interest in baseball. Baseball knowledge is useful, but it is more important that you can define wRC+ than list the starting lineup of your favorite team.

Depending on the strength and number of applicants, you may be asked to attend a brief interview via Zoom if you are to be considered.

Applications can be submitted at:

Applications are due by August 18, 2024.